1. One Stop Center
  2. Additional Documents for application


Please find below the photo guidelines for submitting a passport photo to EMGS. Kindly note that this is important since the same picture will be used on the Immigration System as well as printed on the i-Kad.

Institutions will be requested to adhere to the guidelines below to avoid any delay in processing as well as avoid any untoward issues with law enforcement officials checking the i-Kad.

Your photo must be taken by a professional photographer in a photo studio to ensure high quality, proper lighting, and compliance with all the specified requirements.

  • In Color: Your photo must be in color and not black and white.
  • White Background: The background for the photo must be plain white to ensure that you stand out clearly.
  • Size Specifications: The photo must be 45mm high and 35mm wide, and should not be trimmed or altered from a larger image to fit these dimensions.
  • No Editing, No Selfies: The photo should not be digitally altered in any way (e.g., no filters or image enhancements) and should not be self-taken.
  • No Eyeglasses: You should remove your glasses to avoid glare or reflection and to make sure your eyes are clearly visible.
  • Clear Contrast: You should stand out from the background, meaning your clothes should not be of a similar color to the background.
  • Free from Shadows: The lighting should be even and balanced to prevent shadows on the face or background.
  • Facing Forward: You must be facing the camera directly, with your face and shoulders squarely aligned towards the camera.
  • Lips Closed: Your mouth should be closed so that the facial features are neutrally presented.
  • Individual Photo: The photo must contain only the person applying for visa; no other people or objects should be in the picture.
  • Headgear Rules: No hats or head coverings, except for those worn for religious reasons, and they should not obscure any facial features.
  • Free from 'Redeye': The photo should not have 'redeye', which is often caused by flash photography.
  • Facial Features Visible: The entire face should be visible from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head (crown), including the hairline.
  • Recent Photo: The photograph must be taken within the last six months to ensure it reflects your current appearance.
